News and Updates

The benefits of an Owners’ Association in a tenement (with a case study)

A significant number of people joining our mailing list, say they’d like help with ‘starting and running an Owners’ Association’. If you live in a tenement flat you probably know the term, but did you know that there is a formal definition, and that within a few years all tenements are likely to need to…

News and Updates

The Collective’s approach, and setting up community groups of different scales (short videos, slides etc)

Presentations from our Better Communities through Building Improvements Workshop A recording of the five fascinating (if we say so ourselves!) short presentations from our Better Communities through Building Improvements Workshop of 2nd October 23 is now available, below and on our YouTube channel. The slides themselves (as spoken to in the video, but also including…

News and Updates

‘What do I do next?’ towards local collaborative working … Events in October to help you!

The Collective believes that by working together, building retrofit and improvement can happen at scale, for a wider variety of people, with advantages in costs and quality, whilst also developing closer, more resilient communities. It may well be that you’re already intrigued by the potential of the idea and want to explore it further, but…

News and Updates

Homeowners Questionnaire results are out!

In June and July 2023 we used a city-wide questionnaire to ask people about the challenges of homeowner retrofit, to spread the word about the potential for collaborative community-led retrofit, to gather opinions on the perceived relative importance of different aspects and to get input on what might ease the process. We’re using the results…

News and Updates

Insulation vs Ventilation: Video of our expert webinar on applied building physics in energy efficiency retrofit

In June 2023 our first online educational event was an expert presentation on the building physics to be considered in contemplating energy efficiency retrofit interventions “Insulation vs Ventilation: How buildings ‘work’ in relation to retrofit“. Our speaker was Dr Jon Stinson, of Building Research Solutions, based near Edinburgh. The recorded presentation is available for reference…

News and Updates

Under One Roof: Recommended for impartial information on repairs and maintenance for flat owners in Scotland

The Collective’s focus is on supporting the development of resilient communities in Edinburgh via community-led improvement of buildings (including through planned maintenance as well as retrofit), with the owners of a tenement stair being a prime example of such a community on a smaller scale. Under One Roof is a very complementary organisation that has…

News and Updates

Homeowners Questionnaire: still open (but prizewinner chosen)

You can still take our short Homeowner Survey on individual and community-led retrofit – help us to help you! We remain keen to continue to get your views and rankings on obstacles (and possible means of overcoming them) to both building retrofit and improvement in general as well as the advantages and challenges of working…

Community News and Updates

About you

Edinburgh Residents’ thoughts on Building Retrofit and Improvement: Homeowners Questionnaire Results (2023) The Collective was awarded some funding in early 2023, on the votes of citizens of Edinburgh, from the City Council’s ‘Edinburgh Community Climate Fund’, on the basis that we could provide a service of use to people right across the city. With limited…

Events News and Updates

Porty Heat Fair 2022

Porty Community Energy held a Heat Fair at Bellfield in Portobello. The event featured stalls, talks, a Retrofit Roadshow, insulation give-aways, and a ceilidh! A panel session hosted by Lesley Riddoch featured Joanne McClelland of EALA Impacts and representatives of Vattenfall and SGN amongst others. It sought to answer the question “What Does Fair Heat…