Homeowners Questionnaire: still open (but prizewinner chosen)

You can still take our short Homeowner Survey on individual and community-led retrofit – help us to help you!

We remain keen to continue to get your views and rankings on obstacles (and possible means of overcoming them) to both building retrofit and improvement in general as well as the advantages and challenges of working collaboratively in a community-led way.

The questionnaire opened at the start of June and we offered a prize to a random respondent in the period up to 16/07/23. We had 143 respondents in that period, of whom the lucky prize winner was Ruth D of Tollcross, who was presented with a £25 Edinburgh Gift Card (to encourage local shopping).

UPDATE 12/09/23: There is now a report giving full-analysis of the responses; as a taster, here a few graphics illustrating some key stats: