Scottish Government Heat in Buildings Bill consultation closes 8th March!

The Scottish Government Heat in Buildings Bill consultation closes tomorrow, 8th March!

It’s significant to decarbonising buildings across the country and will impact us all. There’s a focus on Clean Heat (including timing and methods to require a move away from polluting heating systems, and developing the market for future heat networks), and the future need for properties to meet a Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard.

But what about all the factors impacting energy efficiency (including repairs and maintenance, not just retrofit), the benefits of collective working, and considerations of using professional advice and measurements vs. decisions based on simplified models etc? There’s a lot to think about.

Have your say on the government HiBB consultation website, as soon as possible before the end of Friday March 8th!

ps: Members of our mailing list can see our EdinBRIC draft response and other documents to assist.