External resources

There’s a lot of stuff out there that tries to be helpful. This page contains links to external resources that are known by members of the Collective to be of sufficiently high-quality to be worth passing on. It is NOT exhaustive – please drop us a line if you know of other material that you think we should add to the list.


Guides / Books / Websites

  • Sustainable Renovation Guide‘ (Pebble Trust / SEDA-Scottish Ecological Design Association / Historic Environment Scotland. Very well-regarded, accessible and detailed information / drawings of exactly how parts of a building can be upgraded along with a commentary on practical issues to look out for. Free to download. 2nd ed 09/23).
  • Guide to Energy Retrofit of Traditional Buildings‘ (Historic Environment Scotland. Primarily for designers and contractors. Describes retrofit measures to improve the energy efficiency of traditional buildings, whilst maintaining as much of their historic fabric as possible and creating healthy indoor environments. Free to download. 11/21)
  • Refurbishment Case Studies (Historic Environment Scotland. Many of the techniques described in the Guide above have been tested in real case-studies and documented. All free to download.)
  • LETI Climate Emergency Retrofit Guide‘ (LETI: Low Energy Transition Initiative. Primarily for professionals, including architects, but also for ‘clients looking for guidance about best practice retrofit’. Well-regarded, built on expert input. 10/21)
  • Responsible Retrofit Wheel‘ (STBA – Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance tool for researching the interactions between different options of retrofit. The Wheel is both an aid to decision making, primarily for professionals, and a way of learning about traditional building retrofit. Latest update 2020)
  • Guides on How to Save Energy in an Older Home (Historic England website area, with some related documents, including (for example) four on different areas to consider for draught-proofing, from DIY upwards. 2016)
  • Colonies Windows Guidelines (to be reviewed before linking here)